Lower Back Pain, Lumbago, Herniated Disc
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" Professional Pain Management system. "
" Special Treatment for Herniated Disc. "
Acupuncture treats Lumbago, Back pain, Herniated Disc
Low back pain is the most common pain in the back, but depending on the patient's lower back pain, or weakness in the lower limbs, and may be accompanied by a sense of deterioration. In most cases, the disc disease is symptomatic when the back is bended forward. In the case of spinal stenosis or intertrochanteric syndrome, the symptoms often become worse when the back is tilted backward.
Low back pain refers to pain in the back of the spine, disc (disc), joints, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels and other dysfunctions and difficulty in coordination. Throughout lifetime, 60 to 90% of people suffer back pain, and the annual incidence is about 5%. About 40% to 50% of these are known to improve within a week without treatment. The information about the age of onset varies according to the researcher, but it is known that the incidence of back pain increases with age, and occurs most frequently in the 50s and 60s. It is more common in hard workers than in light workers, especially in occupations that repeatedly lift objects of about 24LB or more, more frequently in smokers, and less in people who exercise regularly.
Research : Acute, subacute and chronic low back pain: clinical symptoms, absenteeism and working environment.
What are the symptoms of back pain?
A typical symptom is pain and muscle spasms of the muscles on both sides of the spinal cord spine. Other symptoms are as follows.
- There may be pain associated with edema, muscle spasms, severe back pain in certain areas, the buttocks and the inguinal region and the back or outside of the thigh.
- It is accompanied by severe pain when the movement of the flexion falls clearly in the part of the sacrum.
- Pain increases when you breathe or sneeze.
- In the case of radiating pain, it appears in the posterior or lateral part of the buttocks and thighs and rarely radiates below the knee joint. In most cases, there are no neurological symptoms such as lower leg weakness or sensory slowing.
- In acute cases, muscle stiffness occurs with pain, and posture tends to be stiff toward the stiff side. In the case of chronic, mild pain compared to acute, but irregular, often recurred and lasts long.
- Feeling fatigued in the lumbar region, the position of the pain changes according to the posture.
What causes pain in the back?
It occurs when the muscles associated with the lumbar spinal motion are subjected to direct trauma or to flexion or extension exercises that exceed the normal range. Sometimes it occurs even when it is in an incorrect position for a long time.
Sprain is caused by a sudden ligament contraction, sudden twisting, and strong extension of the ligament that connects the bone to the bone. All major ligaments (anterior longitudinal, posterior longitudinal, yellow, intertransversal, capsular, interspinosus, supraspinosus) are always susceptible to sprains and posterior fossa are more susceptible to injury than other ligaments.
Sprains are usually torn in the muscle-to-gun unit, and muscle sprains are caused by rapid muscle contraction or muscle relaxation. In the combined injury of the tendon and ligament, the damaged structure may be transient but persistent, leading to movement disorders of the spine and weakening the stability of the vertebrae, resulting in chronic problems. Even if it is cured, it can recur.
In DongYuiBoGam - traditional Korean medicine book (500 years ago), low back pain is divided into 10 types according to the medical cause and symptom and it is suggested various treatment methods.
There are dampness, Overdrinking, lifting up heavy object, blood statis, wind, cold etc.
Acute back pain is a collective term for sudden back pain commonly classified as left back pain or lumbago.
To make an appointment with me for treatment, please call, text or email to Jun Acupuncture.
If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact page.
Jun Acupuncture New York
Call or Text : 1-347-535-2794