Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
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Acupuncture treats Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
The subclavian vessels from the fourth cervical vertebrae forming the brachial plexus (upper arm plexus) to the mediastinum of the first thoracic vertebrae (mediastinum, a space between the median lungs of the chest) are composed of the first rib, the clavicle and the scapula It passes through a triangular space that forms. This triangular area is called the thoracic outlet, and the symptom of the nerves and blood vessels that pass through the thoracic outlet area is stressed by various causes is called the thoracic outlet syndrome
What are the symptoms and causes of thoracic outlet syndrome?
Symptoms vary widely depending on anatomical abnormalities and shoulder motion, but about 70% of patients present with symptoms complaining of shoulder or arm pain. Raising your arms may reduce your symptoms and may also cause Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). When the nerve is compressed, there is dull pain or burning sensation in the dominant region of the ulnar nerve, and sensory abnormalities such as numbness also appear. Objectively, there is a decrease in sensation, muscle weakness and atrophy. When blood vessels are squeezed, the area of pain is vague, full of feeling or numbness. It may show edema of the hand, change of temperature or Raynaud phenomenon
Thoracic outlet syndrome is a pathologic condition in which circulation of energy and blood is not smooth. Therefore, Acupuncture treats Thoracic outlet syndrome by relaxing the muscles and is a common therapy as well as other misperceptions to facilitate the circulation of the energy and blood.
To make an appointment with me for treatment, please call or email to Jun Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact page.