Pregnancy Back Pain
1. Acupuncture treats Pregnancy Back Pain
The back pain during pregnancy is called 'pregnancy back pain'. Women who do not have back pain usually experience such pregnancy back pain during pregnancy. When pregnant, the uterus grows and the body weight also increases, resulting in unstable posture, mechanical tension, and endocrine changes. This overall change causes pregnancy back pain. Pregnancy back pain usually begins in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, and the more often in the end of pregnancy months.
2. Symptoms of Pregnancy Back Pain
The pain around the waist that appears during pregnancy is diagnosed as pregnancy back pain. If abdominal pain and hunching (feeling of falling down, fetus falling down) is sometimes accompanied by back pain, pregnancy and abdominal pain is suspected. This is one of the miscarriage traumas and requires treatment for miscarriage trauma . If the treatment is not appropriate, it may become a miscarriage. Back pain that occurs in a special situation of pregnancy often has pain in the lower back and pelvic area. Usually pain in the sacral area under the waist, hip, sacrum and hip, ceiling joint area, and anterior pubic bone joint, and occasionally it can be painful to the upper waist.
3. Treatment of Pregnancy Back Pain
Acupuncture to the joints and muscles that are burdened by pregnancy improves local circulation and strengthens muscular function to reduce pain. Pregnancy, back pain, usually after the birth of the pattern appears to relax naturally, even in the case of severe postpartum back pain. Pregnant women with severe or long-lasting symptoms or low back pain before pregnancy should be treated continuously.
Acupuncture: If we do acupuncture on muscles and joints which causes pain then they communicated to the occluded meridians. So pain get better. Acupuncture treatment can reflect the patient's symptoms and individual characteristics, so it can be used in addition to general acupuncture points, and various stimulation methods can be used.[Pregnancy low back pain] (pregnancy low back pain) (herbal medicine information,
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