Acupuncture treats Shoulder pain
The shoulder consists of joints including the shoulder joints, ligaments around the muscles, bursa between the muscles and ligaments, and nerves distributed on the shoulders. In other words, shoulder pain includes degenerative diseases such as arthritis, arthritis, etc., tear or damage of ligaments, muscle rupture, muscular pain caused by muscle pain, inflammation and swelling of bursa, And shoulder pain associated with injury. In addition, shoulder pain can also be caused by abnormality or lesion of the posterior neck joint (intervertebral joint) in the neck, and may cause shoulder pain even when the cervical nerve root coming out of the neck is squeezed or the nerve root is abnormal.
What are the different types of shoulder pain treated by acupuncture?
Shoulder bursitis
Shoulder Bursitis is caused by repeated stresses during tennis strokes, particularly the serve. Bursitis is inflammation of a sac of fluid called a Bursa.Bursa are small sacs filled with fluid that cushion the joint and allow for smooth movement of the bone, tendons, and muscles.
In the shoulder frequent overuse of the rotator cuff muscles can cause the Bursa to get ‘impinged' between the muscles and the bony prominence of the shoulder, leading to inflammation. This causes pain whenever the arm is raised.
The symptoms of shoulder bursitis are joint stiffness, pain while sleeping,pain with overhead activities, swelling and redness. Bursitis Pain area is often felt over the outside of the shoulder or upper arm.
Rotator cuff tear / tendinitis
The rotator cuff is a type of muscle that consists of four muscles covering the shoulder joint, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres minor. These four muscles play a role in maintaining the rotation and stability of the shoulder joints. However, one or more of the four muscles are rupturedand causes the arm and shoulder pain that 'rotator cuff tear (rotator muscle lid rupture)' is. Rotator cuff injuries are the most common cause of chronic pain in the shoulder joint.
the causes of rotator cuff tear include overuse, especially through athletic (throwing sports- baseball basketball, tennis) and physicaloverhead lifting activities. The symptoms of a rotator cuff tear are pain at passing through the night(often unable to lie to the painful shoulders), pain during raising and lowering arm in specific ways, weakness during lifting and turning your arm, noises in the shoulder joint when moving in certain ways.
To make an appointment with me for treatment, please call or email to Jun Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact page.