Acupuncture treats Elbow pain
Elbow pain is one of big pain conditions in the clinic. Elbows get a lot of use in our life so it can easy get into wear and tear. Our elbow can be damaged over use at work and in addition to recreational activities, like tennis, golf, baseball can lead to elbow pain also.
What kind of elbow pain you treat with acupuncture?
Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
"Tennis Elbow" refers to the inflammation that occurs with pain in the protruding area of the elbow. If you have pain on the outside of your elbow when you lift your wrist up, you can suspect a tennis elbow. It is commonly known as the "Tennis Elbow" because it is found that the lateral side of the elbow is under the force of the backhand swing of the tennis, but the exact diagnosis is "lateral epicondylitis" . It usually occurs in patients who have repeatedly used their wrists or arms, or have suffered direct damage to their elbows.
Tennis elbows (lateral phase inflammation) are common in the 30s to 60s and are most commonly found in the 40s. Most cases are acute, and the patient complains of pain, numbness, and sensation on the lateral side of the elbow. Occasionally, you may feel stiff or lose strength. Pain can occur in all movements of the arms and wrists as the symptoms are worsened by the movement of the wrist upwards. For example, when you hold something, hold a fist, hold a doorknob and turn it, you get a lot of pain when exercising such as tennis or bowling. This pain is not limited to the lateral side of the elbow but also to the wrist as radiating pain.
Most of the tennis elbows can be treated with non-surgical treatment. In Oriental Medicine tennis elbows’s main reason is no good circulation of the blood and energy. So our treatment purpose is to smooth the circulation of the blood and energy.
Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)
If you have knee pain in people who exercise, the first Meniscal Tear can be suspected. The Meniscal Tear is a damaged cartilage that tissue between the thighbone and the calf, which can occur when the knee is twisted and bent due to excessive wear or worn cartilage. It is caused by sports such as basketball and soccer which have a lot of jumping movements using their knees, and mountain climbing.
There is severe pain like pressing along the joint, and it is difficult to bend the knee.
Olecranon Bursitis
Olecranon Bursitis refers to an inflammatory disease that occurs in the biceps bursa (elbow mucous membranes) around the hard bones of the back of the elbow. Usually the bursa is not touched, but it acts as a cushion to absorb external shocks between the skin and the bone. The cause of inflammation is long-term pressure or sudden traumacan be stimulated by the inflammation occurs. It appears mainly in students who are studying a lot or in people who are under pressure from their elbows.
In acute bursitis, which is the main cause of infection, the elbows become hot and the skin turns red. If you are chronically swollen, your elbows may feel like they are sloppy, and when you bend your elbows over 90 degrees, the pain becomes worse. If the swelling is severe, it is difficult to wear long sleeves. And swelling of your elbows can cause pain and tight lumps.
The most common cause of elbow joint destruction is rheumatoid arthritis, which involves multiple joints. In 90% of patients, wrists and joints are associated with joint lesions, and 80% of them have abnormalities in their shoulders. Nonrhythmia Inflammatory arthritis is usually acute crystalline synovitis, acute pain, swelling, stiffness and redness. Often it is difficult to differentiate from septic arthritis and long-term regressive changes of the arthritic joints are rare.
Traumatic arthritis is associated with damage to articular cartilage and fracture after fracture. Often in young, active people, arthritis occurs only in joints with damaged joints, so treatment methods and patient expectations are very different from those of rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is not common, and usually occurs in people who repeatedly go to work and exercise in weight.
The main symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are pain and swelling. In the early days, pain is limited to the lateral side of the joints and worsens when the lower arm is widened. If it progresses, the pain appears to be sporadic, and often instability can make it difficult to do light housework.
How does acupuncture treat pain?
When treating elbow pain, We recommend twice weekly treatments for the first few weeks to encourage speedy resolution of pain symptoms. And we follow up with a few more weeks of weekly treatment to consolidate relief pain and make sure you stay pain-free. After that, we can discuss maintenance strategies.
To make an appointment with me for treatment, please call or email to Jun Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact page.