Acupuncture treats Headache
It is thanks to healthy joints that we can move our body easily. However, due to the wrong attitude, obesity, lack of exercise, or excessive exercise, the joint health of modern people is constantly threatened. In particular, since knee health is directly related to quality of life, if an abnormal signal is detected in the knee, it should be followed by accurate diagnosis and treatment to maintain a healthy life.
Knee disease due to knee pain locations
No. 1 pain - Knee lateral pain (lateral collateral ligament / long neck ligamentitis)
No. 2 pain - subtalar pain (cruciate ligament / patellar tendinitis / lower biceps patella)
No. 3 Pain - Patellofemoral pain (femoral tendinitis)
No. 4 pain - Inside pain in the patella (medial ligament / chest wall can be suspected)
No. 5 pain - Inferior knee pain (goose biceps bursitis)
In addition to the 1 to 5 zone pain, the pain felt in your knee may be a cause of kyphosis.
1. Degenerative arthritis caused by cartilage wear
Degenerative arthritis is the most common disease of joint disease and is caused by worn cartilage. This causes the cartilage between the bone and the bone to be worn out by using the joints for a long time. It is mainly seen in women, obese patients and old people, but recently, 30 to 40 generations are increasing. This is because that joints are overloaded from excessive exercise for a long time.
Degenerative arthritis is closely related to climate change, so-called 'weather illness'. Cold air stimulates the nerves and contracts the tissue, interrupting blood circulation around the joints and causing inflammation of the periosteum. In addition, it is very sensitive to low temperature, high humidity, low pressure, and is characterized by getting worse during the season of change. There is a feeling of pain or frustration when moving.
2. When it is difficult to bend the knee, Meniscal Tear
If you have knee pain in people who exercise, the first Meniscal Tear can be suspected. The Meniscal Tear is a damaged cartilage that tissue between the thighbone and the calf, which can occur when the knee is twisted and bent due to excessive wear or worn cartilage. It is caused by sports such as basketball and soccer which have a lot of jumping movements using their knees, and mountain climbing.
There is severe pain like pressing along the joint, and it is difficult to bend the knee.
3. chondromalaciaofthepatella
chondromalaciaofthepatella is a painful disease caused by weakened knee cartilage. It is a knee joint disease that is common to young women who enjoy high heels. The patella is a round bone in front of the knee joint, between the anterior thigh muscles that function to spread the knee and the anterior tendon of the knee.
If you wear high heels, the center of your body will be moved forward, causing abnormal pressure on the patella. A severe shock such as a traffic accident, a kneeling posture in daily life, a squatting posture, and a frequent ascending or descending of a staircase are also causes of the onset. Like degenerative arthritis, there are symptoms of knee pain or fricative.
4. Knee bursitis
Knee swelling and febrile knee bursitis may cause pain when moving, and when walking on the tilted road. When the joints are used excessively or when the friction is getting worse, the bursa that serves as an oil pocket surrounding the knee joints is more than necessary to protect the joints.
This leads to inflammation and disease. This disease can occur when you are sitting on a solid floor for a long time or repeatedly performing excessive exercise.
To make an appointment with me for treatment, please call or email to Jun Acupuncture. If you have further questions, feel free to ask me through the Contact page.