Acupuncture treats Achilles tendinitis
It is inflammation of the achillestendon, a large, posterior ankle ligament that connects the muscles of the lower leg (gastrocnemius, soleus muscle) and the calcaneus. The muscles that form the calf at the back of the lower leg are called the triceps muscles of the calf (tricepsmuscle of calf), which consists of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. The lower part of these two muscles is made of dry plate, and they are called Achilles tendon, which is called "calcaneus tendon".
Achilles tendinitis occurs in runners and other running-intensive sports. Achilles tendinitis is caused by overuse, vigorous exercise, jumping, and other movements that strain the tendon and calf muscles. Serious cases of Achilles tendinitis can end in tendon rupture, which requires surgery to be repaired.
The function of the Achilles tendon is to hold the knee forward so that it does not fall forward when standing, and it is a tendon that lifts the heel when walking and plays an important role in letting the foot fall off the ground and move the body forward. However, the Achilles tendon had a weak structure due to lack of synovial membrane. Because of this, it is the most vulnerable tendon among the tendons.
Achilles tendinitis in Oriental Medicine
Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is classified as a fever that occurs due to lack of blood in the body (blood) due to inflammation caused by excessive use. The meridian passing through the Achilles tendon is a TaiYang and is connected to the ShaoYin. In the "Emperor's Inner Circle"(黃帝內經), the "YoungChu(영추)" is included in the pathology of the foot muscle. It is said to be ruled as acupuncture, herbal medicine (doctors' guidance, stretching or massage-like manipulative therapy)
How to treat Achilles tendinitis?
In the case of achilles tendinitis, you should be careful not to overload your weight in the beginning and to avoid excessive extension of Achilles tendon. In the case of rupture, crutches are used in addition to ice padding and medication, and the ankle is fixed with a plaster cast in a slightly plantar flexion. If it is ruptured, surgery is required to reduce the possibility of re-rupture and shorten the treatment period. Young people, active people, and athletes with Achilles tendon ruptures prefer surgery.
In the oriental medicine, it is treated by applying the Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment method. Four basic methods of consultation such as questionnaire, vision examination, excision examination, and listening are the basic theories of oriental medicine such as jangsanghak, meridian study and so on. Diagnosis of Achilles tendinitis at the holistic level through functional tests, structural abnormalities, physical examination, and imaging tests that can trace symptoms along with oriental medicine diagnosis, and acupuncture and moxibustion according to the principles of oriental medicine treatment, acupuncture, herbal medicine, , And to use comprehensive treatment.
Acupuncture: Achilles tendon associated with the major points and local points to communicate the blocked meridians can reduce pain. In addition, muscle relaxation improves function and speeds recovery of damaged tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and nerves. Acupuncture treatment reflects the patient's symptoms and individual characteristics, and can be used in addition to general acupuncture points.
Herbal medicine: Herbal medicine to reduce inflammation caused by Achilles tendinitis reduces pain. It has the effect of strengthening muscles and ligaments as well as anti-inflammatory effects. Along with herbal remedies to relieve pain and strengthen the structure, treatments that supplement Achilles tendinitis with treatments that complement the overall condition of the body. Herbal medicine, acupuncture, chunna therapy, and it is recommended to treat with a combination.
Acupuncture treats Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a common nerve entrapment disease in the hind foot (hind paw). The site occurs in the medial ankle area just below the medial malleolus. The posterior tibial nerve passes through the tarsal tunnel, which is formed by the subterranean ligament (lower tibial ligament) of the medial malleolus, and leads to the plantar nerve. It refers to a series of symptoms that occur when the nerve is strangulated, twisted, or pressurized in the tarsal tunnel due to trauma or inadequacy of the footplate
Acupuncture treats Plantar fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the membrane surrounding the plantar muscles. The plantar fascia that connects the anterior and lateral toe bones of the heel bone maintains the arch of the foot and absorbs the impact of the sole. Repeated minor damage to the plantar fascias, causing inflammation, is called 'plantar fasciitis'.
Plantar fasciitis is a clinically common disease and is the most common cause of adult heel pain. More than twice as much occurs in women than in men.
Most feel pain in the heel's inner side, and even the inside of the foot is painful. The characteristic feature is that when walking the first few steps in the morning, the plantar fascias contracted during sleep are stretched and feel severe pain. The pain tends to increase even if you walk or stand for a long time. These symptoms and intensity of pain gradually become worse for a certain period of time after the first occurrence, and can cause problems in the knee, hip, and spine due to obstruction of the gait.
Acupuncture treats Arthritis
There are three kinds of arthritis on the foot and ankle – Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic arthritis.
Ankle pain and stiffness are signs of ankle osteoarthritis. symptoms can gradually worsen and start to interfere with everyday activities.
After activities such as walking or jogging, people with ankle arthritis may have a gradual onset of pain, stiffness, and swelling.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Ankle Osteoarthritis
Ankle pain
Ankle stiffness
Inactivity makes it worse
Ankle swelling
Ankle popping or crunching
Acupuncture treats Morton’s neuroma
It is a disease accompanied by foot pain, foot burning and numbness. Unlike the normal nerve, in the case of the Morton's neuroma, the nerve between the bones is fibrous and can be confirmed to be pressed. Usually, the foot-to-foot ganglion occurs frequently between the third and fourth toes and may occur between the second and third toes. Statistically, it is known that women are five times more likely to develop than men because of shoes (high heels).
Acupuncture treats Gout
Gout is a typical metabolic disorder caused by hyperuricemia in which uric acid, the final product of purine metabolism, is elevated in the blood. Uric acid in the blood and joint fluid remains in the urate crystals, which are deposited in the synovial membrane, cartilage, subchondral bone, and surrounding tissues and subcutaneous tissues of the joints, resulting in inflammation and pain.
It is a genetic predisposition that progresses to degeneration, fibrosis, and bony ankylosis of the joints, cartilage, etc. Gout is mainly seen in men over middle age. It seems that the reason for the recent increase in incidence and the age of onset is due to environmental effects. Female patients often develop after menopause, with a genetic predisposition or with a weakened renal function.
Acupuncture treats Ankle sprain
ankle sprain is a common injury. 'Ankle Sprain' is one of the diseases caused by the damage of the ligaments supporting the ankle joints when the ankle is severely twisted or stiffed, which is also called ankle sprain. The ankle sprain accounts for 85% of the lateral ligament injuries composed of the anterior talofibular ligament and the calcaneofibular ligament, but it may also be injured when the foot is bent inward.
In addition, the damage of the thick ligament connection between the distal tibia and the fibula accounts for about 5% of the total ankle sprain. When such ankle damage occurs, the ankle bones are instantly removed from their place, and the muscles and ligaments are stretched to cause inflammation. If the ankle is not treated properly, it may become a chronic ankle disease.
Acupuncture treats Heel spur and bone spur
A deep and firm depression from the center of the heel to the inside of the heel is a very painful symptom that occurs when the foot is mechanically erroneous. This is a pain that is caused by the inflammation of the skin that appears to resemble the thing under the soles.
The plantar fascia begins at the protruding part inside the bone of the plantar heel and spreads widely in a triangular shape toward the toe. The inner edge of the plantar part is thick like a gun, and it is a very thin film going outward.
A bone spur (osteophyte) is a tiny growth of bone that grows along the edges of bones. Bone spurs can occur in spine or in joints. Bone spurs are associated with wear in tear, so areas that are under a lot of stress are likely affected. For this reason, Most bone spurs are asymptomatic, so go unnoticed before they grow to a size that will cause pain.
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Jun Acupuncture New York
Call or Text : 1-347-535-2794