Low Pelvic Floor Acupuncture
- Low pelvic floor weakness
- Low pelvic floor tightness
Pelvic floor problem is a related to urinary bladder, rectum, uterus vagina, prostate.
so symptoms are included with those organs.
Urinate difficulty (pain, leaking, frequently cystitis),
bowel movement problems,
pain or tightness in lower abdomen area,
pain in anus, urethra area,
pain during the sex for woman,
premature ejaculation or impotence for man
Is low pelvic floor problem curable?
Most low pelvic floor issue is treatable, usually acupuncture and herbs.
Almost our low pelvic floor patients are got better.
Low pelvic floor execises
- pelvic floor weakness : Kegel exercises
- pelvic floor tightness : Pelvic floor releasing exercises