Acupuncture treats Cervcalgia, Neck Pain, Herniated Disc
Cervical sprain is, neck muscles and ligament pain is caused by the injury without ruptured or damaged, Neck pain is one of the three most common musculoskeletal symptoms, with a prevalence rate of 22%. Among them, the cervical sprain is the most common cause of cervical pain. Cervical sprains are acute in trauma and are classified as chronic due to the unsuitable posture for a long time. For example, whiplash injuries that are impacted by sports injuries caused by collisions or neck injuries caused by traffic accidents can be considered acute. In addition, the same posture for a long period of time because the neck does not turn back to the painful is seen as chronic.
What is the neck pain symptoms?
Clinical symptoms of the cervical sprain are include pain in the broad area around the neck due to tension in the neck muscles and severe pain when pressed. It is also difficult to bend the neck forward, to tilt backward, to turn the head, and this movement makes the pain worse. Most of the cervical sprain is caused by trauma, and depending on the severity of the trauma, it causes fatigue or headache in the eyes, and the neck discovers the neck disc (cervical disc herniation) symptoms. The symptoms of cervical sprain are summarized as follows.
- There is pain from the head down to both sides of the paraplegia.
- Movement of the neck makes the pain worse and muscles around the cervical vertebrae are shortened.
- Pain in the back of the head with neck pain and lasts for months.
- It is difficult to sleep due to throat pain and low concentration.
- It is difficult to move the neck like it was when you were lying down.
What cause the neck pain?
Cervical sprain can be divided into acute and chronic depending on the cause. Acute can be caused by a car accident, falls, sports trauma, sudden back injury to the head and neck, or trauma caused by sudden pulling or lifting of heavy objects. Chronic cervical sprain occurs when you sleep for a long period of time in the wrong posture or repeatedly bruised your neck.
The cervical sprain is distinguished from other cervical spine diseases such as neck disk (cervical disc herniation), cervical myelopathy, and spinal tumor which occur in the cervical spine. The cervical sprain has extensive skin pain from neck to shoulder, while the neck disk (cervical disc herniation) can reveal pain and numbness of the arm due to the dermatome extending from the nerve roots. In particular, when the neck is moved backward, the neck disk (cervical disc herniation) causes pain due to the compression of the nerve root extending to the arm, but the cervical spine is not affected by the nerve root compression.
In addition, cervical spondylosis restricts walking and hand movements, but cervical sprains do not affect walking or hand movements. In patients with multiple rheumatoid or inflammatory arthritis, changes in values such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), and complete blood count (CBC) Unlike cervical spine, there is no specific finding on blood test. The cervical sprain has no radiographic findings.
Oriental medicine classification
In Oriental medicine, the cervical spine is classified into 'cervical pain', 'strong strength', and 'fallen pillow'.
1) cervical pain: "I have a pain in my neck that seems to be painful and both shoulders and necks are falling". It usually complains of neck pain.
2) strong strength: "There is a hard part when the neck is not moved to the left and right, and the back of the neck is touched." You can see symptoms that your head does not turn.
3) fallen pillow: "When I woke up, my neck was very sore." It is a symptom that appears to be affected by the cold when it sleeps or it is overworked when sleeping.
How to treat neck pain by acupuncture?
Conservative treatment is recommended because cervical sprains do not have neurological symptoms such as hand tremor or gait disturbance. In Oriental medicine, four basic examination methods such as questionnaire examination, looking examination, excision examination, and interview examination, and comprehensive analysis of cervical spine based on the basic theory of oriental medicine including jangsanghak, . Depending on the cause of herbal medicine can be different treatment methods, depending on the symptoms acupuncture, herbal medicine, hand technique therapy, moxibustion, and the cervical sprain is treated by comprehensive management.
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Jun Acupuncture New York
Call or Text : 1-347-535-2794