Acupuncture treats Hip Pain, Sciatica
Sciatic neuralgia (坐骨神經痛, 좌골신경통) is a symptom that refers to the pain felt on the buttocks and legs. When you sit on a chair, the area where your hips touch is called a scapula bone, which in other words is called a scapula. It is the sciatic nerve that comes out through the hole between the buttocks. The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve in the human body. It starts from the back bone and connects to the back of the hips and back of the thighs to both toes. Sciatica is a type of neuralgia that occurs when the sciatic nerve is stimulated or pressed by some cause. Inflammation around the sciatic nerve is called sciatic neuritis, which causes stiffness and pain in the muscle or surrounding tissues dominated by the sciatic nerve.
What is the hip pain, sciatica symptoms?
When the sciatic nerve is pressed, it develops in the hip, thigh, calf and foot along the sciatic nerve. Symptoms of leg stiffness are mainly caused by pulling, pain, hot or cold neurosis. It is sciatic nerve pain that causes you to experience hip pain (or numbness) and leg numbness (or pain, fever, cold sensation, abnormal sensation, pulling). The pattern of the pain is stiff and stiff at the buttocks, and it goes down to the legs and burns or burns. When bending the waist, the pain that goes down to the legs is getting worse, and it is hard to stand the pain when working. Pain is also exacerbated when you move your legs or give strength while coughing, sneezing, or bathing. Sometimes the legs can lose strength and strength can be weak, and it can be accompanied by a burning sensation in the feet and a dull feeling in the toes.
What cause the hip pain, sciatica?
The occurrence of sciatica is caused by various factors such as excessive or unstable postures, poor circulation of the human body, and high intake of cold food. Among them, unstable posture is the biggest cause. That is to say, the muscles or joints that support the waist and the hips are weakened or inflamed, resulting in sciatica. Thus, sciatica is a common occurrence in many office workers, drivers, bankers, and examinees who have frequent sitting time and is the most common in 40 years old. Lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, degenerative disc herniation, spinal stenosis, anteroposterior spondylolisthesis, and isthmus syndrome are also causes of sciatica neuralgia.
The diseases causing sciatica are as follows.
① traumatic disease of the vertebral column: Lower back herniated disc,
② Non-traumatic diseases of the vertebrae: degenerative spondylosis, spinal osteoporosis, scoliosis, spinal tuberculosis, cephaloarthritis, spinal tumor
③ spinal diseases: spinal cord tumors, spinal cord chuck meningitis
④ Soft tissue disease: rheumatism, muscle stiffness, icterus syndrome, ligament laxity
⑤ Metabolic disease: diabetes, vitamin B1 deficiency
Oriental medicine classification
In the literature, there is no documented sciatic nerve pain. Pain (leg knee pain) is associated with sciatica. The symptoms of neuralgia from ancient times have been regarded as one of non-febrile illnesses. According to the paralytic theory of the Chinese medicine literature, this disease is caused by three kinds of scars of wind chestnuts. On the other hand, in my hospital, I saw that the scam of overwork and wind was overlapped to cause pain in the joint.
Sciatic nerve pain is due to wind-cold or wind-dampness. When the wind is over, the pain goes around. When the cold is too much, the pain is very severe. When the pain is old, the energy is frozen, and the pain gets stuck. The illness will be for a long time.
How to treat hip pain, sciatica by acupuncture?
In the treatment of sciatica, it is important to accurately diagnose and treat the underlying cause. Even if the pain caused by the sciatic nerve area but the sciatica syndrome is similar to lumbar disc herniation and hip pain. If the back pain is accompanied by it, it is hardly distinguishable from the back disc (lumbar disc herniation). Therefore, it is important that you receive medical treatment from a skilled medical staff. Treatment can be improved by taking enough stability at the beginning of the onset of symptoms.
The treatment is based on the principle that the area where the sciatic nerve is stressed is the part of the waist or the buttocks, and that the excessive tension is released.
Acupuncture: By identifying the cause of sciatic nerve pain, it is possible to reduce the pressure of the sciatic nerve by relieving the muscles through acupuncture treatment of the area where the sciatic nerve is compressed and the surrounding muscle.
Cupping: Cupping therapy is effective in relieving contracted muscles due to stressed nerves through negative pressure, and is more effective when combined with acupuncture.
Hand Technique Therapy: Modern people have a lot of time to sit and live, which breaks the balance of the spine or pelvis, muscles are hardening and sciatic nerve pain is increasing trend. Hand Technique therapy relieves the pressure of the sciatic nerve by correcting the distorted skeleton, relaxes the tense muscles, and prevents the sciatic nerve from running around.
Chinese Herbs medicine: Chinese Herbs medicine relieves hardened tissues and helps and strengthens treatment including acupuncture treatment, Cupping, Hand Technique therapy. The herbal medicine is prescribed according to the pattern and cause of sciatica.
To make an appointment with me for treatment, please call, text or email to Jun Acupuncture.
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Jun Acupuncture New York
Call or Text : 1-347-535-2794