1. Acupuncture can help Postpartum
After giving birth, it does not naturally go back to a healthy state before pregnancy. The key to returning to a healthy state before pregnancy depends on the health condition during pregnancy and the correct postpartum care after childbirth. In particular, during the postpartum period when the body of a woman, such as a child, is returned to its original state, the mother's body has become much weaker than it was when she was pregnant. Usually, the postpartum period refers to 6 to 12 weeks after birth. Even if the mother is a childbearing child, it is difficult to rest comfortably because the childbirth and housework must be done in together. But at this time, miscarriage will regret for the rest of your life.
2. The most important postpartum care after childbirth
After the birth, all the functions of the body are not complete. Therefore, when the mother is exposed to cold wind or heavy things, the mother complains of arthritis, sore throat, or sore symptoms. It is a typical disease that women must live in for a lifetime because they are mistaken for management and postpartum care during pregnancy. In addition, wrong postpartum care may cause disturbances of urination and defecation as well as postpartum depression, hypotension, osteoporosis and obesity, so be careful and careful.
3. How to do Postpartum Living for Healthy Recovery
(1) Keep your body warm: There is a saying that (邪氣所湊 其氣必虛). When we interpret this, 'When a bad aura invades our body, the right energy must be weak'. In other words, if the right energy is strong, it means that no bad energy can invade our body. The easiest way to know if our body is strong or weak is 'body temperature'. When the body temperature is lowered by 1 ° C based on the normal body temperature of 36.5 ° C, the white blood cell activity is drastically decreased and the immunity is decreased by 30%. On the contrary, when the body temperature goes up by 1 to 2 degrees Celsius, the metabolism is doubled, the waste is smoothly discharged, and the immunity is increased. It is for this reason that the mother should wear underwear even in the summer and never put her hands in cold water.Acupuncture can help a lot for keep body warm with herbal treatment.
(2) No sweating: You should never sweat when you are taking care after childbirth. Do not heat up to sweat or cover thick blanket with sweat. The sweat that the mother gives away plays a role of discharging the unnecessary substance out of the body through the smooth metabolism activity, but if it goes over, the side effect occurs. If dehydration symptoms or dizziness occurs or if the temperature is lowered, the immune system may become weaker. In winter, the room temperature should be about 21 ~ 22 ℃, and the humidity should be kept at 40 ~ 60%
(3) Avoid cold food, cold winds: In summer, Using air conditioners can make a large temperature difference between inside and outside. Exposure to sudden temperature difference with less postpartum recovery can lead to postpartum deseases. Basically, it is important to avoid direct airing of artificial winds such as air conditioners and electric fans. For the mothers in summer, the good room temperature is 24 ~ 27 ℃ and the humidity is 40 ~ 60%. It is desirable to have a pleasant environment where it feels a little smoother.
Also, cold water, cold drinks, and cold foods should be avoided as much as possible to keep the body warm in any hot summer. It is not good to eat too much because the cold fruit may also cause stagnation of the blood and energy due to the cold nature. Especially cold water showering is not allowed.
(4) It is Ok, daily activities and light exercise: Because of the long pain and difficult birth, the body and mind are tired, and there are often mothers who do not move, and when they lay down after birth, the recovery is slowed down. Lightweight exercises such as walking help not only to restore the body to pre-pregnancy but also to prevent complications. However, if you move suddenly after the birth suddenly, you can go to the joints, so it is better to increase the amount of activity little by little, starting with light movements, so as not to burden the body.
4. How to do help and treat?
It is necessary to maintain the temperature of the body by using acupuncture and moxibustion and to control the internal organs.
In addition, the herbal medicine removes the blood stasis and strengthens the weakened energy.