Acupuncture treats Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
The ovaries can have a lot of cysts in the female body. Most of the cysts that are body fluid in the cysts are benign. The ovarian cysts can occur at any age, but they can occur most often in their 40s and become more likely to be malignant if they occur after childhood or postmenopause.
Most of the ovarian cysts are caused by the accumulation of liquids such as water or blood in the follicles or luteum during normal ovarian activity, which is also called simple cysts. If the cells that make up this cysts are hormone-releasing, they are called functional cysts.
Most of the ovarian cysts are temporary and disappear, but some are long-term. However, it can not be said to be a tumor even if it is old, because it is only liquid in the cysts, it grows to some extent, and the cells do not grow abnormally.
Most of ovarian cysts are symptomless whatever benign or malignant. Most of the symptoms are ambiguous, even if the symptoms are present, but the belly is stiff, stabbing, sore or pressed. So many patients are pregnant and have a prenatal diagnosis or are found in health screenings. significant symptoms are pain, irregular uterine bleeding, and infertility problems
(1) Pain
Pain in the ovary is mainly caused by stimulation of the peritoneum. The peritoneum has a lot of pain nerves. It does not cause severe pain before ovaries, kinks, or bursts. In the begining, it simply becomes painful as the lump grows and inflates the peritoneum or penetrates little into other tissues.
If it is near the vagina, then it can cause dyspareunia. It is sometimes to have gastrointestinal disorder, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, sickness, upper abdominal discomfort, poor appetite.
(2) Irregular uterine bleeding
Hormone abnormalities in the ovary can cause ovarian cysts easily and abnormal ovarian function. The following situations can cause abnormalities in menstruation.
ㆍ Produce female hormone excessively or continuously without change according to menstrual cycle
ㆍ Suppress or destroy hormone production function
ㆍ Produce male hormone of ovary hump
(3) Special Symptoms
If you have a cyst that makes a female hormone before puberty, it is a follicular hormone from this hump that can accelerate puberty and make a male hormone, which can delay puberty or cause masculine. If there is a lump that functions as a female hormone after puberty, problems such as ovulation and menstrual disorder, uncontrolled uterine bleeding, endometrial cancer, etc. These are caused by excessive follicular hormone. If there is a male hormone acting cyst, the voice becomes thicker and becomes masculine.
(4) Cause of infertility
Ovarian cyst causes abnormalities in ovarian hormone function or causes ovulatory failure due to destruction of the ovaries.
And implant failure due to abnormal endometrial development and adherence to surrounding tissues or changes in position between the ovaries and the fallopian tubes can cause infertility due to failure of the fallopian tubes to receive ovulation from the fallopian tubes.